Fireside Chats Series 3

  • Tuesday 6thApril          7.15 to start 7.30 pm

The Restoration & Repair of Old Photographs

Tuesday 6th April 2021 :  Eric Houlder’s talk about processing images in Affinity Photo, unfortunately, has had to be postponed due to a hospital appointment for that day.

Instead we are very grateful to Alison Spencer for offering to give the following talk:

Wolds – A Wander of Wonders

(Alison’s group have recently been awarded the prestigious 2020 CBA Marsh Award for Community Archaeology)

The Wolds are SO special – wonderful walking, wonderful scenery and, although much of it is hidden, wonderful archaeology.Combine the three and, in essence, you have the fieldwork Team of FFWAP (Fridaythorpe Fimber Wetwang Archaeology Project).

Join Alison as she shares their archaeological voyage of discovery since the group formed in September 2017. Magnetometry, supported by CBA grants , and site excavation projects have been carried out. The link for Tuesday 6th April remains the same.  If you have already registered for Eric’s talk and are going to watch Alison then you are OK and no need to register again.

Register in advance for this meeting:

  • Tuesday 20thApril        7.15 to start 7.30 pm

A History of Geophysics at Geoscan Research
Roger Walker

The development of geophysical techniques has been one of the key elements in modern archaeology.  A pioneer of these techniques is Roger Walker based here in Yorkshire.
Roger, founder of Geoscan Research in 1984, will give an eclectic talk about his lifelong involvement in archaeology, physics, electronics and geophysics.  Geoscan Research, has always been very much a cottage industry business with strong family involvement. The talk will cover all the products that have been made, with views of the insides of the electronics, construction, sensors, several surveys, including one at the very topical Sutton Hoo, along with Time Team surveys.  Pitfalls along the way will be described, together with the sometimes-steep learning curves, leading up to the present day, with some hints and tips thrown in along the way.

Register in advance for this meeting:


  • Tuesday 4thMay        7.15 to start 7.30 pm                      

Hedgerows, a Living History Book Waiting to be Read
Barry Wright

Barry has been working in Archaeobotany for many years.  His talk is an opportunity to, learn more about this branch of archaeology.

He writes:  To many people a hedgerow is just somewhere pleasant to walk next to with the dog, while getting your daily COVID-19 exercise. To me a hedgerow is a living history book that I am trying to read. My problem is trying to understand the language. The presentation will hopefully provide the tourist level translation to help you to understand the history of our hedgerows and may want to delve deeper.

Register in advance for this meeting: